Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A quickie...

Hey all :-)

Headed out to George's Boulder and Cantaloupe Hill on the weekend... Danny got up a rad highball arete on George's Boulder that is about v5 and has a tough finish... I also managed to do the lower (sit) start into 'The Joker' up on Glitz Rock at Cantaloupe Hill ... it only adds 2 moves but they are 2 tough ones which make it about v7 from the original v6... There is a further extension from the big flake to the right but meh... thats enough for me :-)

I'm going up to Sydney to go in the first round of the NSW Bouldering Series on saturday so I'll let you all know how that goes.

See ya!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Yesterday afternoon I headed out to Pierces Creek with Steph for a quick boulder and I managed to finally do 'Gastagon', a v7 at Cohiba... So I'm well chuffed at the moment!

I wasn't sure if I should head out as I was a little tired because I went to the pool before hand and swam 3kms, but I'm glad I headed out regardless!
I have been hitting the pool a fair bit lately actually... swimming 1km or so a few nights a week which is making me feel great and a lot fitter so I'll be keeping it up :-)

Well, today we are heading out to Pierces Creek again to try a few things... will let you know how it goes!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Its been a while... again

So its been far too long since I wrote in here... mainly due to laziness I guess haha

The first month of the year is gone already and has seen its share of fun. Richo, Danny, Josh and I have been heading up into the hills to find cooler temps at Mt Coree and Hollywood a bit of late... thats right folks... roped climbing... something I have not done in a long time! But its been well fun, and I have managed to redpoint routes up to 25 which I am really happy about :-)

We also jumped on a rope in the blistering heat at Red Rocks last weekend which was fun too, as well as going down the rapids on blow up pool toys haha.

There has been a bit of bouldering too... North Black, Pierces Creek, Red Rocks and Hollywood.. but only when the heat allows really...

Hopefully there will be a heap more action on the blocs as the weather cools done over the next few months leading up to Easter!

I promise I'll be back in here writing more often from now on... no more being lazy haha