This weekend saw what was possibly the biggest crew ever at North Black, about 20 people turned up to boulder at the Campground on saturday morning, there were people everywhere, the majority of which were all down from Sydney, etc!
And with a big crew came big sends, Danny and Richo finally both nabbed ascents of the ultra classic 'Zac's Arete' v8. It was awesome to see them both send this after all the hard work they have put in on it! As well as them Paul Meharg and Doug both got up this one, making it possibly the most times its been sent in a day!
Paul also made quick work of 'Socks' v6 and an unnamed v7 at the Campground. Brendan also nabbed 'Socks' for his first v6, great work man!
After all the excitement at the Campground we headed to Dog Rock where we had to walk through snow to get to the crag, a rarity in Australia!
Paul, Joel and Danny worked on 'Snoop Doggy Dog' v8, getting really close, while I worked on a low sit start into the same problem that will probably add a grade or two and a proper sit start to it.
All in all a great weekend was had. Sunday the weather was a bit bad so we rested for the day. Keen as mustard for this coming weekend as we are heading back up to Sydney, should be a blast.
Here is a pic from me and a few from Russell after that, enjoy!
Danny on 'Snoop Doggy Dog'
Paul on 'Little Bow Wow'
Me on 'Snoop Doggy Dog'
Danny on 'Snoop Doggy Dog'